County-Funded Orders:
If your order is under $5,000 including shipping costs to be paid with County funds, it must be completed with a County p-card. Orders completed with a personal credit card will not be reimbursed.
If your order is $5,000 or over including shipping costs, please select PO as the payment method. You should submit the order and once a quote is emailed to you, you must use the quote to create a requisition and receive a PO through the normal purchase order (PO) process. Once complete, send a copy of the PO to for the order to be completed. The order will not be completed until a copy of the PO information is received.
Employees may not use federal funds for store purchases.
Personal Orders:
If you are completing a personal order, it must be completed with your personal credit card. It should not be completed with a County p-card.